#include <iostream.h> #define M 100 #define N 4 class suanshu { int count,length; char number[N],n; long double chance[N],c; char code[M]; long double High,Low,high,low,d; public: suanshu() {High=0;Low=0;} void get_number(); void get_code(); void coding(); ~suanshu(){} };
void suanshu::get_number() { cout<<"please input the number and its chance."<<endl; for(int i=0;i<N;i++) { cin>>n>>c; number[i]=n; chance[i]=c; } if(i==20) cout<<"the number is full."<<endl; count=i; }
void suanshu::get_code() { cout<<"please input the code''s length:"; cin>>length; while(length>=M) { cout<<"the length is too larger,please input a smaller one."; cin>>length; } for(int i=0;i<length;i++) { cin>>code[i]; } }
void suanshu::coding() { int i,j=0; for(i=0;i<count;i++) if(code[0]==number[i]) break; while(j<i) Low+=chance[j++]; d=chance[j]; High=Low+d; for(i=1;i<length;i++) for(j=0;j<count;j++) { if(code[i]==number[j]) { if(j==0) { low=Low; high=Low+chance[j]*d; High=high; d*=chance[j]; } else { float chance_l=0.0; for(int k=0;k<=j-1;k++) chance_l+=chance[k]; low=Low+d*chance_l; high=Low+d*(chance_l+chance[j]); Low=low; High=high; d*=chance[j]; } } else continue; } cout<<"the result is:"<<Low<<endl; }
int main() { suanshu a; a.get_number(); a.get_code(); a.coding(); return 0; }