Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim sTmp As String Dim strfix As String Dim i As Integer Dim yy As String CommonDialog1.ShowOpen sTmp = CommonDialog1.FileName If Len(sTmp) = 0 Then Exit Sub For i = 1 To Len(sTmp) strfix = Mid(sTmp, i, 1) If strfix = "\" Then strfix = "/" End If yy = yy & strfix Next i sTmp = "File://" & yy lstItems.AddItem sTmp
end sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim s As Integer CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "输入要保存的RM文件" CommonDialog1.Filter = "RealPlayer播放列表(*.RM)|*.RM" CommonDialog1.ShowSave If Len(CommonDialog1.FileName) = 0 Then Exit Sub End If Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Output As #1 For s = 0 To Me.lstItems.ListCount - 1 Print #1, Me.lstItems.List(s) Next s realaudio.source=commondialog.filename
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() realaudio1.controls="imagewindow"
End Sub