提问: 假设我从Excel表格中复制了一些数据到剪贴板中,比如是这样一些信息: Allen 12 Anderson 13 Douglas 12 Ohio 49
回答: 新建一个项目,在窗体上放两个label和一个command。以下是代码: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim vTekst$ vTekst$ = "Allen 12 " vTekst$ = vTekst$ & "Anderson 13 " vTekst$ = vTekst$ & "Bernard 14 " vTekst$ = vTekst$ & "Constance 15 " Label1.Caption = vTekst$ Select Case Command1.Caption Case "Copy Clipboard" Clipboard.Clear Clipboard.SetText Label1.Caption Command1.Caption = "Put into Label" Case "Put into Label" Label2.Caption = GetPartofString(Clipboard.GetText, 1) Command1.Caption = "Copy Clipboard"
'read in array Dim vText(7) As String Dim c% For c% = 0 To 7 vText(c%) = GetPartofString(Clipboard.GetText, c% + 1) Next c% 'show result For c% = 0 To 7 MsgBox vText(c%) Next c%
End Sub
Private Function GetPartofString(source$, part%) As String Dim p%, c%, tmp$ tmp$ = source$ c% = 0 Do p% = InStr(tmp, Chr(32)) If p% <> 0 Then GetPartofString = Left(tmp, p% - 1) c% = c% + 1 tmp = Right(tmp, Len(tmp) - p%) End If Loop While c% <> part% End Function --1-------------------------------------------------------------
提问: 我如何才能数出一个字符串中的字母数?举例来说:我想在用户按下OK时计算在Text1.Text中的字母数。
回答: 使用LEN(Text1.text)命令如何?你就可以得到长度……包括空格和其它非字母的字符。所以如果你希望去掉它们的话,必须要一个小函数来检查Text1.Text中的字符是否为真正的字母:
Public Function CountCharacters(source$) As Integer Dim counter%, t% Const Characters$ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
For t% = 1 To Len(source$) If InStr(Characters, LCase$(Mid$(source$, t%, 1))) <> 0 Then counter% = counter% + 1 End If Next t% CountCharacters = counter% End Function
使用时就象这样: vString$ = "Testing .... about what?" MsgBox CountCharacters(vString$)
提问: 有没有人知道怎样来做这样一个特殊的循环?我需要把一个字符串,比如“Hey how are you”,中的每个字母放到不同的变量中。例如对上面这句话,H放在A1中,e放在A2中,以此类推。谢谢你的帮助。
回答: Dim vChar() as String
Sub PlaceInArray(source$)
Dim p%
For p% = 1 To Len(source$) Redim Preserve vChar(p%) vChar(p%) = Mid$(source$,p%,1) Next p% End Sub 在数组vChar的每一项中就分别是给出字符串的所有字母。
提问: 你怎样把一个文本文件中的单词一个一个读入字符串变量中?文件中每个单词都被空格分隔。
回答: Dim vWords() as String
Sub SplitStringintoWords(bron$) Dim c%, p%, t%, vCheck% Dim TempBron$, tmp$
'把一行输入分成单词 t% = 0 TempBron$ = bron$ For c% = 1 To Len(bron$) p% = InStr(TempBron$, Chr(32)) If p% <> 0 Then ReDim Preserve vWords(t%) tmp = Left$(TempBron$, p% - 1) vWords(t%) = StripString(tmp) TempBron$ = Right$(TempBron$, Len(TempBron$) - p) t% = t% + 1 c% = c% + p% End If Next c% ReDim Preserve vWords(t%) vWords(t%) = StripString(TempBron)
End Sub
首先你必须先读入一行文本,然后使用以上这个过程。在数组vWords中就是文本文件中的所有单词。如果你在读文件方面也需要帮助,告诉我。 --4-------------------------------------------------------------
提问: 我需要替换窗体上所有文本框中的某一个单词,应该怎么做?先说声谢谢了。
回答: 试试这个……
'在新窗体上放一个command和三个textbox,然后加入以下代码 '按F5运行,注意先把Command的caption改成"&Replace somebody with me"
Private Sub Command1_Click() Const vString$ = "testing for somebody on the net" Select Case Command1.Caption Case "&Replace text in all textboxes" Text1.Text = vString Text2.Text = vString Text3.Text = vString Command1.Caption = "&Replace somebody with me" Case "&Replace somebody with me" Call ChangeText Command1.Caption = "&Replace text in all textboxes" End Select End Sub
Function sReplace(SearchLine As String, SearchFor As String, ReplaceWith As String) Dim vSearchLine As String, found As Integer found = InStr(SearchLine, SearchFor): vSearchLine = SearchLine If found <> 0 Then vSearchLine = "" If found > 1 Then vSearchLine = Left(SearchLine, found - 1) vSearchLine = vSearchLine + ReplaceWith If found + Len(SearchFor) - 1 < Len(SearchLine) Then _ vSearchLine = vSearchLine + Right$(SearchLine, _ Len(SearchLine) - found - Len(SearchFor) + 1) End If sReplace = vSearchLine End Function
Private Sub ChangeText() Dim Control
For Each Control In Form1.Controls If TypeOf Control Is TextBox Then Control.Text = sReplace(Control.Text, "somebody", "me") End If Next Control End Sub --5-------------------------------------------------------------
提问: 现在我有一个文本框来输入字符串。另外有60个文本框的控件数组,它们包含了我的一个字典。我设法检查字符串中的每一个单词,看它是否符合控件数组中的也就是字典中的单词。我在检验前不得不把标点全部去掉。如果整个句子都拼写对了,我发出一个消息,如果拼错了,发出另一个消息。 感谢所有对此提出的任何建议和想法。
回答: 假定你有一个文本框来输入单词,然后你对照一个数组来检查它们……你可以使用以下代码作为你的起点……但是请考虑把你的字典转换成一个数据库,因为当它成为一个真正的字典时,数据库工作起来快得多。
'on the general section Dim vWords() Dim Max% Dim vCheckWord()
Private Form1_Load() Text1.SetFocus Text1.Text = "living in america but not really" Max% = 10 'make array 'you can use an ascii file to get the words Redim vCheckWord(Max) vCheckWord(0) = "walther" vCheckWord(1) = "musch" vCheckWord(2) = "america" vCheckWord(3) = "tilburg" vCheckWord(4) = "hallo" vCheckWord(5) = "testen" vCheckWord(6) = "testing" vCheckWord(7) = "really" vCheckWord(8) = "visual" vCheckWord(9) = "basic"
End Sub
Sub SplitStringintoWords(bron$) Dim c%, p%, t%, vCheck% Dim TempBron$, tmp$ Dim vOke As Boolean
'splitting the input into words t% = 0 TempBron$ = bron$ For c% = 1 To Len(bron$) p% = InStr(TempBron$, Chr(32)) If p% <> 0 Then ReDim Preserve vWords(t%) tmp = Left$(TempBron$, p% - 1) vWords(t%) = StripString(tmp) TempBron$ = Right$(TempBron$, Len(TempBron$) - p) t% = t% + 1 c% = c% + p% End If Next c% ReDim Preserve vWords(t%) vWords(t%) = StripString(TempBron)
'checking against spellingschecker vOke = False For c% = 0 To t% For vCheck% = 0 To Max If vCheckWord(vCheck%) <> vWords(c%) Then vOke = False Else vOke = True vCheck% = Max% End If Next vCheck% If Not vOke Then MsgBox vWords(c%) vOke = False Next c%
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then 'split string into words Call SplitStringintoWords(Text1.Text) End If End Sub
Function StripString(source As String) As String Const Letters$ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" Dim p%, tmp$
tmp = source$ For p% = 1 To Len(source$) If InStr(Letters, LCase(Mid$(source$, p%, 1))) = 0 Then Select Case p% Case 1 tmp = Right$(source$, Len(source$) - p%) Case Len(source$) tmp = Left$(source$, Len(source$) - 1) Case Else tmp = Left$(source$, p%) & Right$(source$, Len(source$) - p%) End Select End If Next p% StripString = tmp End Function
提问: 我需要帮助,如何判断一个文件名是否有后缀名,然后剥除这个后缀。原本我是想获得文件名,然后用另一个后缀名来把它存为一个备份文件。有没有一个方便的方法,不用搜索整个路径字符串中的“\”。
回答: 从路径字符串的后面向前查找第一个“\”,用Right$命令,这样你就可以得到文件名。 如果你要删掉后缀名,也这么做,只是查找第一个“.”而已。注意在W95中,文件名可以包括一个以上的“.”
可以使用这样的代码: Dim p%
Function GetFileName(PathString$) As String
GetFileName = PathString For p% = Len(PathString) To 0 Step -1 If Mid$(PathString,p%,1) = "\" then GetFileName = Right$(PathString,p%) Exit Function End If Next p% End Function --7-------------------------------------------------------------