namespace IssueVision { // Custom control that draws the caption for each pane. Contains an active // state and draws the caption different for each state. Caption is drawn // with a gradient fill and antialias font. public class PaneCaption : UserControl { private class Consts { ......
可以看到它是由 System.Windows.Forms.UserControl 继承而来,图一显示了它的默认属性.下面我们接着PaneCaption.cs代码,看看是如何将属性或事件显示在可视化设计器中.
[DefaultValueAttribute(typeof(Color), "3, 55, 145")] [DescriptionAttribute("Low color of the inactive gradient.")] [CategoryAttribute("Appearance")] public Color InactiveGradientLowColor { get { return m_colorInactiveLow; }
set { if (value == Color.Empty) { value = Color.FromArgb(3, 55, 145); } m_colorInactiveLow = value; CreateGradientBrushes(); //自定义方法,用于创建线形渐变笔刷 Invalidate(); //Control.Invalidate 方法,使控件的特定区域无效并向控件发送绘制消息 } }
[CategoryAttribute("Appearance")] [DescriptionAttribute("High color of the inactive gradient.")] [DefaultValueAttribute(typeof(Color), "90, 135, 215")] public Color InactiveGradientHighColor { get { return m_colorInactiveHigh; }
set { if (value == Color.Empty) { value = Color.FromArgb(90, 135, 215); } m_colorInactiveHigh = value; CreateGradientBrushes(); Invalidate(); } }
[DescriptionAttribute("Text displayed in the caption.")] [DefaultValueAttribute("")] [CategoryAttribute("Appearance")] public string Caption { get { return m_text; }
set { m_text = value; Invalidate(); } }
我们可以看到Views,Staff list背景都是使用这个自定义的PaneCaption产生渐变效果(由InactiveGradientHighColor和InactiveGradientLowColor属性实现),文字Views和Staff list是由属性Caption实现.
最重要的是 CategoryAttribute 类,它指定属性或事件将显示在可视化设计器中的哪个类别,具体类别如下表:
类别 说明 Action 关于可用操作的属性。 Appearance 影响实体外观的属性。 Behavior 影响实体行为的属性。 Data 关于数据的属性。 Format 影响格式的属性。 Layout 关于布局的属性。 Default 没有类别的属性属于默认类别。
有关更多信息,请参阅.Net Framework 1.1 SDK 我们看到举例的这三个属性CategoryAttribute属性值都为CategoryAttribute("Appearance"),从图二可以看出,这些属性都显示在"外观"下.
DefaultValueAttribute 属性顾名思义,就是此自定义属性的默认值. DescriptionAttribute 属性则为此自定义属性的描述.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { DrawCaption(e.Graphics); base.OnPaint(e); }
// draw the caption private void DrawCaption(Graphics g) { // background g.FillRectangle(this.BackBrush, this.DisplayRectangle); if (m_antiAlias) g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; // need a rectangle when want to use ellipsis RectangleF bounds = new RectangleF(Consts.PosOffset, 0, this.DisplayRectangle.Width - Consts.PosOffset, this.DisplayRectangle.Height);
g.DrawString(m_text, this.Font, this.TextBrush, bounds, m_format); }
使用Graphics.DrawString 绘制出Caption(即文字Views和Staff list),Graphics.FillRectangle 绘制渐变背景.注意此Graphics.FillRectangle 方法的第一个参数为笔刷,此笔刷就为上面自定义属性代码中CreateGradientBrushes() 方法所创建的笔刷.代码如下:
private void CreateGradientBrushes() { // can only create brushes when have a width and height if (Width > 0 && Height > 0) { if (m_brushActive != null) { m_brushActive.Dispose(); } // 其中 m_colorActiveHigh 值就为自定义属性InactiveGradientHighColor的值,m_colorActiveLow则为自定义属性InactiveGradientLowColor的值. m_brushActive = new LinearGradientBrush(DisplayRectangle, m_colorActiveHigh, m_colorActiveLow, LinearGradientMode.Vertical); if (m_brushInactive != null) { m_brushInactive.Dispose(); } m_brushInactive = new LinearGradientBrush(DisplayRectangle, m_colorInactiveHigh, m_colorInactiveLow, LinearGradientMode.Vertical); } }
// gradient brush for the background private LinearGradientBrush BackBrush { get { if (m_active && m_allowActive) return m_brushActive; else return m_brushInactive; } }