1) 整数除法运算符 \ 和 / \ 比 / 快10倍 (如果是整数除法并且不需要保留小数) (2) 赋值运算符 a +=b 和 a = a+b += 快 (3) 串联运算符 & 和 + 用 & 快 (来源:http://www.devcity.net/newsletter/archive/devcity/devcity20040315.htm#ni030) .NET Pro: Optimize the Performance of VB.NET Applications Operators
by Mike McIntyre
Division: \ V.S. /
Divide integral values with the \ (back slash) operator when you do not need decimal points or fractional values. The \ operator is the integral division operator and it is up to 10 times faster than the / (forward slash) operator.
Compound Assignment Operators: a += b V.S a = a + b
Compound assignment statements first perform an operation on an argument before assigning it to another argument. Example:
a += b
In the example above, b is added to the value of a, and that new value is then assigned to a. Compound assignment operators are more concise than their constituent operators (separate + and =). Compare the statement above to the one below. The statement above is a shorthand equivalent of the statement below.
a = a + b
Compound assignment operators are faster. If you are operating on an expression instead of a single variable, for example an array element, you can achieve a significant improvement with compound assignment operators.
Compound assignment operators for numbers:
^= *= /= \= += -= Compound operator for strings: &= Example:
Dim a As String = "First " a &= "Name" Result: First Name
Concatenation: & V.S. +
Use the & concatenation operator instead of the + operator to increase the speed of concatenations. Performance of the & and + operators are only equivalent if both operands are type String. If not, the + operator is late bound and must perform type checking and conversions.