显示形式: ID1 NAME | ID2 NAME 1 JULIET | 2 PALYBOY 3 BABY | 4 TOM 5 LENA | 6 JERY >>首页 前页 后页 尾页 页数:1/4 6条/页 总记录数:25条 代码: <!--page1.asp--> <!--#include file="conn.asp"--> <html> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> <table width="60%" border="1" align="center"> <% dim rs dim sql msg_per_page = 4 '定义每页显示记录条数 set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql = "select * from page order by id" '改成你自己的SQL语句 rs.cursorlocation = 3 '使用客户端游标,可以使效率提高 rs.pagesize = msg_per_page '定义分页记录集每页显示记录数 rs.open sql,conn,0,1
if err.number<>0 then '错误处理 response.write "数据库操作失败:" & err.description err.clear else if not (rs.eof and rs.bof) then '检测记录集是否为空 totalrec = RS.RecordCount 'totalrec:总记录条数 if rs.recordcount mod msg_per_page = 0 then '计算总页数,recordcount:数据的总记录数 n = rs.recordcount\msg_per_page 'n:总页数 else n = rs.recordcount\msg_per_page+1 end if
currentpage = request("page") 'currentpage:当前页 If currentpage <> "" then currentpage = cint(currentpage) if currentpage < 1 then currentpage = 1 end if if err.number <> 0 then err.clear currentpage = 1 end if else currentpage = 1 End if if currentpage*msg_per_page > totalrec and not((currentpage-1)*msg_per_page < totalrec)then currentPage=1 end if rs.absolutepage = currentpage 'absolutepage:设置指针指向某页开头 rowcount = rs.pagesize 'pagesize:设置每一页的数据记录数 dim i dim k %> <tr align="center" valign="middle"> <td width="25%">ID1</td> <td width="25%">name1</td> <td width="25%">ID2</td> <td width="25%">name2</td> </tr> <%do while not rs.eof and rowcount > 0%> <tr align="center" valign="middle"> <td width="25%"><%=rs("id")%></td> <td width="25%"><%=rs("testname")%></td> <td> <% rowcount=rowcount-1 rs.MoveNext if not rs.EOF then %> <%=rs("id")%> </td> <td width="25%"><%=rs("testname")%></td> </tr> <% rowcount=rowcount-1 rs.MoveNext else Response.Write " </td><td> </td></tr>" end if loop end if end if rs.close set rs=nothing %> </table> <table border="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <%call listPages()%> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> <% sub listPages() if n <= 1 then exit sub %> <p><span class=smallFont>>> <%if currentpage = 1 then%> <font color=darkgray face="arial" >Top Previous</font> <%else%> <font color=black face="arial"><a href="<%=request.ServerVariables("script_name")%>?page=1">Top</font></a>  <a href="<%=request.ServerVariables("script_name")%>?page=<%=currentpage-1%>"> <font color=black face="arial" >Previous</a></font> <%end if%> <%if currentpage = n then%> <font color=darkgray face="arial" >Next Bottom</font> <%else%> <font color=black face="arial" ><a href="<%=request.ServerVariables("script_name")%>?page=<%=currentpage+1%>">Next</a>  <a href="<%=request.ServerVariables("script_name")%>?page=<%=n%>">Bottom</a></font> <%end if%> <font color=black face="arial" >   Page:<%=currentpage%>/<%=n%>pages  <%=msg_per_page%>notes/page   Total:<%=totalrec%>notes</font></span></p> <%end sub%>