Sub Application_OnStart ' Delete all saved session information, in case of a crash set objADO = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") sDatabasePath = Server.MapPath("/databases") sConnection = "filedsn="&sDatabasePath&"\readwrite.dsn;DBQ="&sDatabasePath&"\sessi ons.mdb;" objADO.Open(sConnection)
sUpdateCmd = "delete * from session;" objADO.Execute(sUpdateCmd) ' Close the database down again objADO.close set objADO=Nothing
' Now store the DSN connection string away, so we don't have to look it up again Application("sessionDSN") = sConnection
End Sub
Sub Session_OnStart
' Write the session information away into the session database set session_objADO = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") session_objADO.Open(Application("sessionDSN")) session_sUpdateCmd = "insert into session values ("&Session.SessionID&"," session_sUpdateCmd = session_sUpdateCmd & "'"&Request.ServerVariables ("REMOTE_ADDR")& "'," session_sUpdateCmd = session_sUpdateCmd & "'"&Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_USER_AGENT")&"');" session_objADO.Execute(session_sUpdateCmd) ' Close the database down again session_objADO.close set session_objADO=Nothing
End Sub
Sub Session_OnEnd
' Delete the session information from the session database set session_objADO = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") session_sConnection = Application("sessionDSN") session_objADO.Open(session_sConnection) session_sUpdateCmd = "delete * from session where SessionID="&Session.SessionID&";" session_objADO.Execute(session_sUpdateCmd) ' Close the database down again session_objADO.close set session_objADO=Nothing
End Sub
' currentusers.asp V1.0 ' Copyright 1998/99 Bann Consultants barryd@bann.co.uk ' Created 03/11/98 Modified 03/11/98 ' On-line documentation at http://www.bann.co.uk/asp/ ' ' COPYRIGHT NOTICE ' Copyright 1998-1999 Barry Dorrans All Rights Reserved. ' ' CurrentUsers may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long ' as this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By using ' this code you agree to indemnify Barry Dorrans from any liability that ' might arise from its use. ' ' Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is ' expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and ' make money off of my program. ' ' Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or ' in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact %> <html> <title>Current User report</title> <body bgcolor="#fffaf0">
<h1> Current User Report </h1>
<br> <table border=0> <tr><td><p><b>Remote Host</b></td> <td><p><b>Browser</b></td></tr> <%
DIM objADO, sDatabasePath, sConnection, sessionRecords DIM userCount
userCount = 0
SET objADO = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") sDatabasePath = Server.MapPath("/databases") sConnection = "filedsn="&sDatabasePath&"\readonly.dsn;DBQ="&sDatabasePath&"\sessio ns.mdb;" objADO.Open(sConnection)
SET sessionRecords = objADO.execute("select * from session;")
DO WHILE NOT sessionRecords.EOF userCount = userCount + 1 %> <tr><td><p><%=sessionRecords("Host")%></td> <td><p><%=sessionRecords("BrowserType")%></td></tr> <% sessionRecords.MoveNext LOOP
sessionRecords.Close objADO.close SET sessionRecords = Nothing SET objADO=Nothing
Session变量的有效期默认为20分钟,可以通过下面来改变它的默认有效期: Session.Timeout=(有效期的分钟数)