<% Response.ContentType="image/jpeg" Set DelphiASPObj = Server.CreateObject("ASPCOM.ChartImage") 'DelphiASPObj.About DelphiASPObj.Clear DelphiASPObj.Title="标题" '显示柱状图的标题 DelphiASPObj.Foot="备注" '备注柱状图是分析啥地 DelphiASPObj.Width=600 '设备柱状图的宽度 DelphiASPObj.Height=400 '设备柱状图的长度 'DelphiASPObj.SetRange 0, 100 DelphiASPObj.AddValue 200, "达", 123456 '转入值,标识和颜色(这个不敢确定) DelphiASPObj.AddValue 40, "#2", 3456677 ' DelphiASPObj.AddNull "Null" '转入值,标识和颜色(这个不敢确定) 'DelphiASPObj.AddValue 20, "#5", 1243535 DelphiASPObj.AddValue 20, "#3", 1243535 '转入值,标识和颜色(这个不敢确定) DelphiASPObj.AddValue 50, "#4", 243455 '转入值,标识和颜色(这个不敢确定) DelphiASPObj.AddValue 40, "#5", 123535 '转入值,标识和颜色(这个不敢确定) DelphiASPObj.AddValue 550, "#6", 123535 '转入值,标识和颜色(这个不敢确定) DelphiASPObj.SetChartType 0 DelphiASPObj.SetMarkFont 8, 0 DelphiASPObj.SetTitleFont 8, 0 DelphiASPObj.SetFootFont 8, 0 'Font Size , Font Color '0: Bar 1: HorizBar 2: Line 3: Pie 4: Point 5: Area DelphiASPObj.SetMark true,false,true,1 'Mark Visible , Mark Transparent , Border Visible , Mark Style 'Style: 0:Value 1:Label 2:LabelValue 3:LabelPercentTotal 4: Percent 5:PercentTotal DelphiASPObj.SetAxis true,"x轴",90,"Y轴",0,true '显示x,y轴 'Axis Visible , Horiz Title , Horiz Angle , Vertical Title , Veritcal Angle , Legend Visible 'DelphiASPObj.SetPanel 1677215,true,true,9895167,1677215 'Color , Border Visible , Gradient Visible , Start Color , End Color DelphiASPObj.SetBGImage "D:\aliang\chart\TestBG.jpg" '设置图象的背景色 'BackGround Image File Name DelphiASPObj.View3D=true '设置是否显示3d Response.BinaryWrite DelphiASPObj.Image(100) 'Image Quality [Optional] 100 is the best 0 is the worst %>