1、 <HTML> <HEAD> <PUBLIC> <COMPONENT TAGNAME="COMBOBOX"> <PROPERTY NAME="Text" GET="get_Text" PUT="put_Text"> <PROPERTY NAME="Width" GET="get_Width" PUT="put_Width"> <METHOD NAME="SetFocus" INTERNALNAME="htcFocus"> <METHOD NAME="AddItems" INTERNALNAME="htcAddItems"> <EVENT NAME="onYYCenter" ID="idEnter"> <EVENT NAME="onYYCChoose" ID="idChoose"> <ATTACH EVENT="oncontentready" ONEVENT="htcInit()"> </COMPONENT> </PUBLIC> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript"> function htcInit() { defaults.viewLink=document; defaults.viewInheritStyle=false; Body_Init(); } function htcAddItems(items) { var i,len; len=pCombo.options.length; for(i=0;i<len;i++) {pCombo.remove(0);} for(i=0;i<items.length;i++) { var o; if((typeof items[i])=='string') { if(!HasTheValue(items,i)) { o=document.createElement('OPTION'); o.text=items[i]; pCombo.add(o); } } } } function htcFocus() { pText.focus(); } function get_Text() { return pText.value; } function put_Text(Value) { pText.value=Value; } function get_Width() { return pCombo.style.width; } function put_Width(Value) { pCombo.style.width=Value; } </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript"> function Body_Init() { var iRight=pCombo.clientWidth; var iBottom=pCombo.clientHeight; var iLeft=(pCombo.clientWidth-18); pCombo.style.clip='rect(0,'+iRight+','+iBottom+','+iLeft+')'; pText.style.width=(pCombo.clientWidth); pText.style.height=(pCombo.clientHeight); pText.style.top=0; pText.style.left=0; } function Combo_Select() { pText.value=pCombo.options[pCombo.selectedIndex].text; } function Text_ChkKey() { if(event.keyCode==13) { idEnter.fire(); } } function HasTheValue(sitems,i) { var ii; for(ii=0;ii<i;ii++) { if(sitems[ii]==sitems[i]) return true; } return false; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <SELECT STYLE="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;" ONCHANGE="Combo_Select()" NAME="pCombo"> </SELECT> <INPUT STYLE="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;z-index:4000" onKeyPress="Text_ChkKey()" TYPE="TEXT" NAME="pText"> </BODY> </HTML>
2、 function getLeftPostion( theObj ) { var pos = 0; while ( theObj != null ) { pos += theObj.offsetLeft; //get the Object which contain theObj. theObj = theObj.offsetParent; } return pos; } function getTopPostion( theObj ) { var pos = 0; while ( theObj != null ) { pos += theObj.offsetTop; //get the Object which contain theObj. theObj = theObj.offsetParent; } return pos; } function checkVersion() { var isBadVersion=true; var curVer=navigator.appVersion; var pos=parseInt(curVer.indexOf("MSIE")); if (pos>=1) { var intVer=parseInt(curVer.charAt(pos+5)); if (intVer>=5) { isBadVersion=false;} } if (isBadVersion) { var msg="This page may not be displayed properly:\n"+ " This product requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later browser only."; alert(msg); } }
//check the browser version checkVersion();
// the array of comboBoies theArray = new Array();
function combobox(objId, objHandler) { this.comObj = document.all[objId]; this.comObj.selectedIndex = -1; this.getValue = getValue; this.doResize = doResize; this.doChange = doChange; this.loseFocus = loseFocus; this.doSelectIdx = doSelectIdx; this.focus = focus; this.keyPress = keyPress; this.change = change;
var strMsg="";
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // create the text object //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var txtObjIdName = objId + "_text";
if (document.all[txtObjIdName] != null) { strMsg="The following id: '" + txtObjIdName +"' is used internally by the Combo Box!\r\n"+ "Use of this id in your page may cause malfunction. Please use another id for your controls."; alert(strMsg); }
var txtInner = "<INPUT type='text' id=" + txtObjIdName + " name=" + txtObjIdName + " onblur='" + objHandler + ".loseFocus()' " + " onkeyup='" + objHandler + ".keyPress()'" + " onchange='" + objHandler + ".keyPress()'" + " style='display: none; position: absolute' value='' >";
this.comObj.insertAdjacentHTML("afterEnd", txtInner);
this.txtObj = document.all[txtObjIdName];
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
this.beResizing = false; this.doResize(); theArray[theArray.length] = this; }
function loseFocus() { var theComObj = this.comObj; var theTxtObj = this.txtObj; var i; theComObj.selectedIndex = -1;
if (theTxtObj.value == "") { return; }
var optLen = theComObj.options.length; for (i=0; i<optLen; i++) { var comVal = theComObj.options[i].text; var txtVal = theTxtObj.value;
if (comVal == txtVal) { theComObj.selectedIndex = i; return; } } }
function doResize() { if (!this.beResizing) { this.beResizing = true; this.txtObj.style.display="none"; this.comObj.style.position="static"; this.txtObj.style.posLeft = getLeftPostion(this.comObj); this.txtObj.style.posTop = getTopPostion(this.comObj) + 1; this.txtObj.style.posWidth = this.comObj.offsetWidth - 16; this.txtObj.style.posHeight = this.comObj.offsetHeight; this.comObj.style.position ="absolute"; this.comObj.style.posLeft = this.txtObj.style.posLeft; this.comObj.style.posTop = this.txtObj.style.posTop; this.offWidth = this.comObj.offsetWidth;
var strRect = "rect(0 "+(this.comObj.offsetWidth)+" "+ this.comObj.offsetHeight + " "+(this.txtObj.style.posWidth - 2 )+")";
this.comObj.style.clip = strRect; this.txtObj.style.display=""; this.beResizing = false; } }
function doChange() { var idx = this.comObj.selectedIndex; var opt = this.comObj.options[idx]; this.txtObj.value = opt.text; this.txtObj.focus(); this.txtObj.select(); this.comObj.selectedIndex=-1; }
function getValue() { return this.txtObj.value; }
function doSelectIdx(i) { var optLen = this.comObj.options.length;
if ((i >=0) && (i < optLen)) { this.comObj.selectedIndex = i; this.txtObj.value = this.comObj.options[i].text; return; } this.txtObj.value = ""; }
function focus() { this.txtObj.focus(); }
/*resize all combobox when window be resized*/ function resetAllSize() { var i; for (i=0; i < theArray.length; i++) { theArray[i].doResize(); } } ////////////////定位函数开始,我加的/////////////// function keyPress() { var txtStr; var comStr; var maxInt = 0; var defInt = 0; var defJ; txtStr = this.txtObj.value; //document.form1.test.value=txtStr; var j; for(j=0;j<this.comObj.options.length;j++) { comStr = this.comObj.options[j].text; var m; for(m=0;m<txtStr.length+1;m++) { if(txtStr.charCodeAt(m) != comStr.charCodeAt(m)) { maxInt = m; break; } } if (defInt < maxInt) { defInt = maxInt; defJ = j; } } this.comObj.selectedIndex = defJ; }