count.asp: <%Server.ScriptTimeout=300 id=Trim(Request.QueryString("id")) fc=Trim(Request.QueryString("fc")) if fc="" then fc="FFFF00" bg=Trim(Request.QueryString("bg")) if bg="" then bg="000000" bc=Trim(Request.QueryString("bc")) if bc="" then bc="00FF00" sername=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") scrname=Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") linkurl="http://" & sername & scrname %> <html> <head> <title>实时统计在线人数</title> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" content="10; URL=<%=linkurl%>"> '每隔10秒刷新 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <style TYPE="text/css"> <!-- P {FONT-SIZE: 9pt; font-color: #eeeeee} A {TEXT-DECORATION: none} A:link {COLOR: #0068A3} A:visited {COLOR: #0068A3} A:hover {COLOR: #2f00ff; TEXT-DECORATION: underline} .ourfont {font-size: 9pt } BODY { FONT-SIZE: 9pt} TABLE { FONT-SIZE: 9pt} --> </style> </head> <% countfile=server.mappath("people.asp") Set fs=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") n=Year(date()) y=Month(date()) r=Day(date()) s=Hour(time()) f=Minute(time()) m=Second(time()) if len(y)=1 then y="0" & y if len(r)=1 then r="0" & r if len(s)=1 then s="0" & s if len(f)=1 then f="0" & f if len(m)=1 then m="0" & m sj = n & "-" & y & "-" & r & " " & s & ":" & f & ":" & m '格式化日期、时间 dim ly() Set thisfile=fs.OpenTextFile(countfile,1,False) countly=0 do while not thisfile.AtEndOfStream thisline = thisfile.readline Redim preserve ly(countly) ly(countly) = thisline countly = countly + 1 loop '将people.asp中内容读到数组中 thisfile.close sameip=0 for i=1 to (countly-1)/2 if DateDiff("s",ly(i*2),sj)>60 then ly(i*2-1)="" ly(i*2)="" countly=countly-2 end if if Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")=ly(i*2-1) then sameip=1 'IP已经存在 ly(i*2)=sj end if next set outfile=fs.CreateTextFile(countfile) for i=0 to countly-1 if ly(i)<>"" then outfile.WriteLine ly(i) end if next if sameip=0 then outfile.WriteLine Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") outfile.WriteLine sj '添加新记录 outfile.Close end if Set thisfile=fs.OpenTextFile(countfile,1,False) countly=0 do while not thisfile.AtEndOfStream thisline = thisfile.readline Redim preserve ly(countly) ly(countly) = thisline countly = countly + 1 loop thisfile.close total=(countly-1)/2 '统计总人数 %> <body> <p><select name="Online" size="1"> <option selected value="Online"><%=total%>人在线上</option> <% for i=1 to total response.write "<option>"&ly(i*2-1)&"</option>" next %> </select></p> </body> </html> people.asp: <%Response.end%>'用户IP 2003-06-15 09:53:57'登录时间