ASP 调用 ORACLE存储过程并返回结果集 看过网上好多ASP调用ORACLE的方法,但是没有特好特直接的东西,所以总结各家的东西最后得出的一个自己需要的方法,感觉也比较大众所以特此发布 ################################################### oracle的存储过程 ################################################### --创建包头 create or replace package pck_as as type t_product_id is table of number index by binary_integer; type t_serial_no is table of varchar(300) index by binary_integer; type t_buy_date is table of date index by binary_integer; procedure allsfc ( product_id out t_product_id, serial_no out t_serial_no, buy_date out t_buy_date ); --procedure allsfc1; end pck_as; --创建包体 create or replace package body pck_as as procedure allsfc ( product_id out t_product_id, serial_no out t_serial_no, buy_date out t_buy_date ) is cursor cur_sfc_tbl_product_reg is select product_id,serial_no,buy_date from sfc_tbl_product_reg; i number default 1; begin for onrecord in cur_sfc_tbl_product_reg loop product_id(i) := onrecord.product_id; serial_no(i) := onrecord.serial_no; buy_date(i) := onrecord.buy_date; i := i + 1; end loop; end; end;
################################################### ASP的调用 ################################################### <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <title>无标题文档</title> </head>
<body> <% dim str_ora dim objconn_ora str_ora = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=ora192;uid=dwuser;" set objconn_ora = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") objconn_ora.connectionstring = str_ora objconn_ora.CursorLocation = 3 dim strsql set rs1 = server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") strsql = "{call pck_as.allsfc({resultset 90000, product_id, serial_no, buy_date})}" set objcomm1 = server.CreateObject("adodb.command") objcomm1.activeconnection = objconn_ora objcomm1.commandtype = 1 objcomm1.commandtext = strsql set rs1 = objcomm1.execute while not rs1.eof response.Write(rs1(0) & "|" & rs1(1) & "|" & rs1(2) & "|<BR>") rs1.movenext wend %> </body> </html>