一些Asp技巧和实用解决方法 随机数: <%randomize%> <%=(int(rnd()*n)+1)%> 查询数据时得到的记录关键字用红色显示: <% =replace(RS("字段X"),searchname,"<font color=#FF0000>" & searchname & "</font>") %> 通过asp的手段来检查来访者是否用了代理 <% if Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")<>"" then response.write "<font color=#FF0000>您通过了代理服务器,"& _ "真实的IP为"&Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") end if %> 判断上一页的来源 request.servervariables("HTTP_REFERER") javascript: document.referrer 清除缓存,重新加载页面 <%response.expires = 0 response.expiresabsolute = now() - 1 response.addHeader "pragma","no-cache" response.addHeader "cache-control","private" Response.cachecontrol = "no-cache" %> 在下拉菜单中显示年和月 <select name="select"> <% Dim M_Year Dim M_Month Dim M_MonthJ Dim M_TheMonth Dim M_YM For M_Year = 2000 To Year(Date) M_Month = 12 If M_Year = Year(Date) Then M_Month = Month(Date) End If For M_MonthJ=1 To M_Month If M_MonthJ < 10 Then M_TheMonth = "0" & M_MonthJ Else M_TheMonth = M_MonthJ End If M_YM = M_Year& "-" & M_TheMonth %> <option value="<%= M_YM %>"><%= M_YM %></option> <% Next Next %> </select> 检索并删除数据库里的重复记录 conn.execute("delete from table where id not in (select distinct from table)")