例子1:创建和使用你自己的JAVA类 创建你自己的JAVA类非常容易。新建一个phptest.java文件,将它放置在你的java.class.path目录下,文件内容如下:
public class phptest{ /** * A sample of a class that can work with PHP * NB: The whole class must be public to work, * and of course the methods you wish to call * directly. * * Also note that from PHP the main method * will not be called */
public String foo;
/** * Takes a string and returns the result * or a msg saying your string was empty */ public String test(String str) { if(str.equals("")) { str = "Your string was empty. "; } return str; }
/** * whatisfoo() simply returns the value of the variable foo. */ public String whatisfoo() { return "foo is " + foo; }
/** * This is called if phptest is run from the command line with * something like * java phptest * or * java phptest hello there */ public static void main(String args[]) { phptest p = new phptest(); if(args.length == 0) { String arg = ""; System.out.println(p.test(arg)); }else{ for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) { String arg = args[i]; System.out.println(p.test(arg)); } } } }
创建这个文件后,我们要编译好这个文件,在DOS命令行使用javac phptest.java这个命令。
$myj = new Java("phptest"); echo "Test Results are <b>" . $myj->test("Hello World") . "</b>"; $myj->foo = "A String Value"; echo "You have set foo to <b>" . $myj->foo . "</b><br>n"; echo "My java method reports: <b>" . $myj->whatisfoo() . "</b><br>n"; ?>
如果你得到这样的警告信息:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException error ,这就意味着你的phptest.class文件不在你的java.class.path目录下。 注意的是JAVA是一种强制类型语言,而PHP不是,这样我们在将它们融合时,容易导致错误,于是我们在向JAVA传递变量时,要正确指定好变量的类型。如:$myj->foo = (string) 12345678; or $myj->foo = "12345678";