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更新时间:2022-08-11 文章作者:未知 信息来源:网络 阅读次数:

Public Function XtoF(str As Currency, Optional fenm As Integer = 32) As String '只限于整除分数
 Dim Cfm As Currency
 Dim cfmmod As Integer
 On Error GoTo Erroreof
 Cfm = 1 / fenm
 XtoF = ""
 If str = 0 Then XtoF = "": Exit Function
 Dim point As Integer
 Dim dInt As String
 Dim dPoint As Currency
 Dim fint, fint1, fint2 As Integer
 If str <> 0 Then
If str > 1 Then
point = InStr(1, str, ".", 1)
If point = 0 Then
XtoF = str:
Exit Function
dInt = Mid(str, 1, point - 1)
dPoint = CCur("0." & Mid(str, point + 1))
fint = InStr(1, XtoF(dPoint), "/", 1)
fint1 = CInt(Mid(XtoF(dPoint), 1, fint - 1))
fint2 = CInt(Mid(XtoF(dPoint), fint + 1))

XtoF = CStr(dInt * fint2 + fint1) & "/" & CStr(fint2)
End If
 If fenm Mod CInt(str / Cfm) = 0 Then
XtoF = "1/" + CStr(fenm / CInt(str / Cfm))
cfmmod = Maxgys(fenm, CInt(str / Cfm))
XtoF = CStr(CInt(str / Cfm / cfmmod)) + "/" + CStr(CInt(fenm / cfmmod))
 End If
End If
 XtoF = "0"
 End If
 Exit Function
 XtoF = ""
End Function
Function Maxgys(num1 As Integer, num2 As Integer) As Integer
Dim minnum, i As Integer
minnum = num1
If num1 > num2 Then minnum = num2
For i = 1 To minnum
 If ((num1 Mod i) = 0) And ((num2 Mod i) = 0) Then Maxgys = i

Next i
End Function


