/*该存储过程用于显示注册用户的分页*/ CREATE PROCEDURE usp_PagedUserReg @iPageint, @iPageSizeint AS Begin
--关闭自动计数器功能 SET NOCOUNT ON
--declare variables
declare@iStart int-- start record declare@iEnd int-- endrecord declare@iPageCount int-- total number of pages
--create the temporary table 建临时表 Create Table #PagedUserReg ( idintidentity, UserIDint(4), Nickchar(20), Truenamechar(10), emailchar(100), departmentchar(50), zhuanyechar(50), mnianjichar(50), sexchar(10), birthdaydatetime, pwdchar(20), roomchar(10), telphonchar(50), qustionchar(100), answerchar(50), imagepathchar(100) )
-- populate the temp table 加入数据 insert into #PagedUserReg (Userid,Nick,Truename,email,department, zhuanye,mnianji,sex,birthday,pwd,room,telphon,qustion,answer, imagepath) selectUserid,Nick,Truename,email,department, zhuanye,mnianji,sex,birthday,pwd,room,telphon,qustion,answer, imagepath From RegUser
-- work out how many pages there are in total计算总页数 select @ipageCount=Count(*) from RegUser
select @ipageCount = Ceiling(@iPageCount / @iPageSize)+1
-- Check the Page number if @iPage <1 select @ipage=1
if @iPage>@ipageCount select @ipage = @ipageCount
-- calculate the start and end records select @iStart = (@iPage-1) * @iPageSize select @iEnd = @istart + @ipageSize + 1
-- select only those records that fall within our page select * From #PagedUserReg where ID > @iStart and ID < @iEnd
Drop Table #PagedUserReg
-- turn back on record counts set nocount off
-- return the number of records left Return @iPageCount