利用OCI向数据表 'email_info' 输入数据
if ($submit == "click"){ // The submit button was clicked! // Get the input for fullname and email then store it in the database. PutEnv("ORACLE_SID=ORASID");
$connection = OCILogon ("username","password"); if ($connection == false){ echo OCIError($connection)." "; exit; }
$query = "insert into email_info values ('$fullname', '$email')"; $cursor = OCIParse ($connection, $query); if ($cursor == false){ echo OCIError($cursor)." "; exit; }
$result = OCIExecute ($cursor); if ($result == false){ echo OCIError($cursor)." "; exit; }
OCICommit ($connection); OCILogoff ($connection); } else{ echo '
<FORM action=insert.php method=post>
请输入姓名 <INPUT name=fullname></INPUT>
请输入 Email 地址 <INPUT name=email></INPUT>
<INPUT name=submit type=submit value=click></INPUT>
'; }