接着用户必须在下一个文件(index3.wml)中输入。我们要求用户输入科目的名字或者教授的姓。你要留意一下变量在页面之间是怎样传送的。语法看来有点复杂,不过可以让你了解整个过程是怎样通过几个文件来完成的。 <?php Header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); echo ("<?xml version='1.0'?>;"); >; <!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml" >; <WML> <CARD id=card3 title=Name> <?php echo ("<p>Insert "); if (${$choice} == "surname") { echo ("professor's surname (or part of it).n"); } else if (${$choice} == "subject") { echo ("the subject (or part of it).n"); } else { echo ("Maybe there is some problem.n"); } echo ("<INPUT name='"${$choice}"' type='"text"'>");
?> <DO type="text" label="Go"> <GO href="query.wml" method="get"> <?php
echo ("<POSTFIELD value='"$"."$choice".""/' name='"$choice"'>");
echo ("<POSTFIELD value='"$"."${$choice}".""/' name='"${$choice}"'>");
?> </GO> </DO> <P></P> </CARD> </WML>
<DO type="text" label="Go"> <GO href="index3.wml#card3" method="get"> <?php echo ("<POSTFIELD value='"$"."$choice".""/' name='"$choice"'>"); echo ("<POSTFIELD value='"$choice"/' name='"choice"'>"); ?>
</CARD> </WML> 写查询代码
Header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); printf("<?xml version="1.0"?>n"); printf("n"); printf("n");
// 以下各行是用来为查询授课时间构造SQL语句的
$consulting_tables = "(professors left join teach on (professors.Id = teach.Id), subjects)"; $consulting_columns = "professors.Surname, professors.Name, subjects.Subject , "; $consulting_columns .= "subjects.Cod_number, professors.Consulting_hour, professors.Consulting_place"; $consulting_query= "subjects.Cod_Subject = teach.Cod_subject ";
// 以下各行是用来为查询测验时间构造SQL语句的
$exams_tables= "(exams left join professors ON (exams.Id = professors.Id), subjects)"; $exams_columns= "subjects.Subject , subjects.Cod_number, professors.Surname, "; $exams_columns.= "professors.Name, exams.Date, exams.Time, exams.Room, exams.Test"; $exams_query= "exams.Cod_Subject = subjects.Cod_Subject ";
// 以下各行是用来为查询测验时间表的sql语句增加查询限制
if ($exams_data) {
switch($exams_data) { case "subject": $exams_query.= " and subjects.Subject like '%$subject%'"; break; case "surname": $exams_query.= " and professors.Surname like '%$surname%'"; break; } }
// 以下各行是用来为查询授课时间的sql语句增加查询限制
if ($consulting_data) { switch($consulting_data) { case "subject": $consulting_query .= " and subjects.Subject like '%$subject%'"; break; case "surname": $consulting_query.= " and professors.Surname like '%$surname%'"; break; } }
// 处理与数据库的连接
function connect($tables, $data, $condition_passed) { // // put your password and username in next line //
$db = mysql_pconnect("localhost","***","***");
// put your database name in next line
$sql = "SELECT $data FROM $tables WHERE $condition_passed order by professors.Surname"; $result = mysql_query($sql,$db); return $result; }
// 这个函数产生授课时间的wml代码
function consulting_print($consulting_result) { global $file; printf("n"); printf(" <P>Receiving hours
n"); while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($consulting_result)) { printf(" <P>$myrow[0], $myrow[1]</P>n"); printf(" <P>$myrow[2]</P>n"); printf(" <P>$myrow[3]</P>n"); printf(" <P>$myrow[4]</P>n"); printf(" <P>$myrow[5]</P>n"); } printf("</CARD>n"); }
// 这个函数产生测验时间表的wml代码
function print_exams($exams_result) { global $file; printf("<CARD id='"card1"' title='"hours"'>n"); printf(" <P>Examinations hours
n"); while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($exams_result)) { printf(" <P>$myrow[2], $myrow[3]</P>n"); printf(" <P>$myrow[0]</P>n"); printf(" <P>$myrow[1]]</P>n"); printf(" <P>$myrow[4], $myrow[5]</P>n"); printf(" <P>$myrow[7]</P>n"); printf(" <P>$myrow[6]</P>n"); } printf("</CARD>n"); }
// 检查你时候选择授课时间或者测验时间,连接数据库并且调用产生wml代码的函数
if ($consulting_data) { $connection_result = connect($consulting_tables, $consulting_columns, $consulting_query); consulting_print($connection_result); } if ($exams_data) { $connection_result = connect($exams_tables, $ exams_columns, $ exams_query); print_exams($connection_result); } printf("</WML>n");