最近研究了jsp中作HTTP认证的问题,它的工作方式如下: 1、server发送一个要求认证代码401和一个头信息WWW-authenticate,激发browser弹出一个认证窗口 2、server取得browser送来的认证头"Authorization",它是加密的了,要用Base64方法解密,取得明文的用户名和密码 3、检查用户名和密码,根据结果传送不同的页面 以下是jsp的片断,你也可以把它做成include文件。和Base64的加解密的class源码。 如有兴趣可与我联系:unixboy@yeah.net
<jsp:useBean id="base64"scope="page"class="Base64"/> <% if(request.getHeader("Authorization")==null){ response.setStatus(401); response.setHeader("WWW-authenticate","Basic realm=\"unixboy.com\""); }else{ String encoded=(request.getHeader("Authorization")); String tmp=encoded.substring(6); String up=Base64.decode(tmp); String user=""; String password=""; if(up!=null){ user=up.substring(0,up.indexOf(":")); password=up.substring(up.indexOf(":")+1); } if(user.equals("unixboy")&&password.equals("123456")){ //认证成功 }else{ //认证失败 } } %> //消息加解密class public class Base64 { /** decode a Base 64 encoded String. *<p><h4>String to byte conversion</h4> * This method uses a naive String to byte interpretation, it simply gets each * char of the String and calls it a byte.</p> *<p>Since we should be dealing with Base64 encoded Strings that is a reasonable * assumption.</p> *<p><h4>End of data</h4> * We don''t try to stop the converion when we find the"="end of data padding char. * We simply add zero bytes to the unencode buffer.</p> */ public static String decode(String encoded) { StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); int maxturns; //work out how long to loop for. if(encoded.length()%3==0) maxturns=encoded.length(); else maxturns=encoded.length()+(3-(encoded.length()%3)); //tells us whether to include the char in the unencode boolean skip; //the unencode buffer byte[] unenc=new byte[4]; byte b; for(int i=0,j=0;i<maxturns;i++) { skip=false; //get the byte to convert or 0 if(i<encoded.length()) b=(byte)encoded.charAt(i); else b=0; //test and convert first capital letters, lowercase, digits then ''+'' and ''/'' if(b>=65&&b<91) unenc[j]=(byte)(b-65); else if(b>=97&&b<123) unenc[j]=(byte)(b-71); else if(b>=48&&b<58) unenc[j]=(byte)(b+4); else if(b==''+'') unenc[j]=62; else if(b==''/'') unenc[j]=63; //if we find"="then data has finished, we''re not really dealing with this now else if(b==''='') unenc[j]=0; else { char c=(char)b; if(c==''\n'' || c==''\r'' || c=='' '' || c==''\t'') skip=true; else //could throw an exception here? it''s input we don''t understand. ; } //once the array has boiled convert the bytes back into chars if(!skip&&++j==4) { //shift the 6 bit bytes into a single 4 octet word int res=(unenc[0]<<18)+(unenc[1]<<12)+(unenc[2]<<6)+unenc[3]; byte c; int k=16; //shift each octet down to read it as char and add to StringBuffer while(k>=0) { c=(byte)(res>>k); if ( c>0 ) sb.append((char)c); k-=8; } //reset j and the unencode buffer j=0; unenc[0]=0;unenc[1]=0;unenc[2]=0;unenc[3]=0; } } return sb.toString(); } /** encode plaintext data to a base 64 string * @param plain the text to convert. If plain is longer than 76 characters this method * returns null (see RFC2045). * @return the encoded text (or null if string was longer than 76 chars). */ public static String encode(String plain) { if(plain.length()>76) return null; int maxturns; StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(); //the encode buffer byte[] enc=new byte[3]; boolean end=false; for(int i=0,j=0;!end;i++) { char _ch=plain.charAt(i); if(i==plain.length()-1) end=true; enc[j++]=(byte)plain.charAt(i); if(j==3 || end) { int res; //this is a bit inefficient at the end point //worth it for the small decrease in code size? res=(enc[0]<<16)+(enc[1]<<8)+enc[2]; int b; int lowestbit=18-(j*6); for(int toshift=18;toshift>=lowestbit;toshift-=6) { b=res>>>toshift; b&=63; if(b>=0&&b<26) sb.append((char)(b+65)); if(b>=26&&b<52) sb.append((char)(b+71)); if(b>=52&&b<62) sb.append((char)(b-4)); if(b==62) sb.append(''+''); if(b==63) sb.append(''/''); if(sb.length()%76==0) sb.append(''\n''); } //now set the end chars to be pad character if there //was less than integral input (ie: less than 24 bits) if(end) { if(j==1) sb.append("=="); if(j==2) sb.append(''=''); } enc[0]=0;enc[1]=0;enc[2]=0; j=0; } } return sb.toString(); } }