在IE进行文档链接时,如果遇到OLE支持的文档,IE会自动调用相应程序打开它,有时候这种功能并不是我们所需的,虽然我们可以提醒用户用鼠标右键-->"目标另存为...."命令来下载文档,但这样毕竟不太友好,本文描述了利用FSO及Stream方法实现IE直接下载文档. <%@ language=vbscript codepage=65001%> <% 'Filename must be input if Request("Filename")="" then response.write "<h1>Error:</h1>Filename is empty!<p>" else call downloadFile(replace(replace(Request("Filename"),"\",""),"/","")) Function downloadFile(strFile) ' make sure you are on the latest MDAC version for this to work ' get full path of specified file strFilename = server.MapPath(strFile) ' clear the buffer Response.Buffer = True Response.Clear ' create stream Set s = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") s.Open ' Set as binary s.Type = 1 ' load in the file on error resume next ' check the file exists Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if not fso.FileExists(strFilename) then Response.Write("<h1>Error:</h1>"&strFilename&" does not exists!<p>") Response.End end if ' get length of file Set f = fso.GetFile(strFilename) intFilelength = f.size s.LoadFromFile(strFilename) if err then Response.Write("<h1>Error: </h1>Unknown Error!<p>") Response.End end if ' send the headers to the users Browse Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition","attachment; filename="&f.name Response.AddHeader "Content-Length",intFilelength Response.CharSet = "UTF-8" Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream" ' output the file to the browser Response.BinaryWrite s.Read Response.Flush ' tidy up s.Close Set s = Nothing End Function end if %>