首先要新建一个工程,在Form1中添加dirlistbox控件,drivelistbox控件,filelistbox控件,combobox控件,textbox控件,vscrollbar控件和一个command1控件 然后在代码框中输入以下代码:
Option Explicit
private Declare Function FindFirstFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindFirstFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long private Declare Function FindClose Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFindFile As Long) As Long private Declare Function FindNextFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindNextFileA" (ByVal hFindFile As Long, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long private Const MAX_PATH = 260 private Type FILETIME dwLowDateTime As Long dwHighDateTime As Long End Type private Type WIN32_FIND_DATA dwFileAttributes As Long ftCreationTime As FILETIME ftLastAccessTime As FILETIME ftLastWriteTime As FILETIME nFileSizeHigh As Long nFileSizeLow As Long dwReserved0 As Long dwReserved1 As Long cFileName As String * MAX_PATH cAlternate As String * 14 End Type
Dim Pic As Object Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim obj As Object Dim pcname As String Dim i As Long, j As Long, counter As Long Dim wfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA Dim source As String, piname As String Dim hfile As Long Dim nfile As Long Dim filename() As String Dim x As Long, length1 As Long, width1 As Long counter = 0 Set Pic = Form1.Controls.Add("VB.PictureBox", "test") Pic.Visible = True If Right(Dir1.Path, 1) <> "\" Then source = Dir1.Path & "\" & Text1.Text Else source = Dir1.Path & Text1.Text End If hfile = FindFirstFile(source, wfd) If hfile = -1 Then MsgBox "没有找到文件" End If counter = counter + 1 Do nfile = FindNextFile(hfile, wfd) If nfile <> 0 Then counter = counter + 1 End If Loop Until nfile = 0 ReDim filename(counter) As String hfile = FindFirstFile(source, wfd) filename(0) = wfd.cFileName For i = 1 To counter nfile = FindNextFile(hfile, wfd) filename(i) = wfd.cFileName Next i If Right(Dir1.Path, 1) <> "\" Then source = Dir1.Path & "\" Else source = Dir1.Path End If Call FindClose(hfile)
For i = 0 To (counter / 4) For j = 0 To 3 piname = "picture" & j + 1 + i * 4 Set obj = Form1.Controls.Add("VB.Image", piname) obj.Width = 1500 obj.Height = 1500 obj.Stretch = True Set obj.Container = Pic obj.Left = j * obj.Width obj.Top = i * obj.Height If (j + 1 + i * 4) > counter Then GoTo line End If obj.Picture = LoadPicture(source & (filename(j + 1 + i * 4))) obj.Visible = True Next j Next i line: width1 = j * obj.Width length1 = i * obj.Height Pic.Width = 4 * obj.Width Pic.Height = length1 Pic.Left = Dir1.Left + Dir1.Width Pic.Top = 0 width1 = 4 * obj.Width length1 = i * obj.Height VScroll1.Min = 0 VScroll1.Max = 32767 End Sub Private Sub Dir1_Change() File1.filename = Dir1.Path End Sub Private Sub Drive1_Change() Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Combo1.Text = "*.jpg" Combo1.AddItem "*.bmp" Combo1.AddItem "*.gif" VScroll1.LargeChange = 200 VScroll1.SmallChange = 50 Text1.Text = Combo1.Text End Sub Private Sub VScroll1_Change() Pic.Top = 0 - VScroll1.value End Sub 该程序在VB6.0+WINME环境下调试通过。