<% '说明:这是我第一次编写应用类,其中不当之处请多多指教!QQ:1168064 '属性和方法 '1、ScanType:扫描的类型。默认值:1。值:0 扫描文件和数据库 1 扫描文件 2 扫描数据库。 '2、Conn,Table,ColImg,ColID:当扫描数据库时用到,分别为连接字符串、表名、图片列名、图片对应的ID列名 '3、List:显示类型。默认值:0。值:0 失效图片 1 网络图片 2 有效图片 3 所有 '4、ScanText:扫描的图片类型。默认值:Asp/html/htm。值:文件扩展名,中间用"/"分隔。 '5、Path:扫描的路径:默认为网站根目录,请使用相对路径。例如"/dsj" '6、Scan():方法。根据设置进行扫描 '7、File:保存扫描的所以信息。在Scan()方法后调用 '8、Folders:扫描的文件夹个数 '9、Files:扫描的文件数。 '10、TotalSize:目录的总计大小。自动显示G,M,B。 '11、Images:扫描文件中的图片个数 '12、Exists:失效个数 '13、DbImg:数据库中图片个数 '14、TotalImg:扫描的所以图片个数 '15、RunTime:扫描过程的时间。单位毫秒 '16、关于File的使用: ' For Each Fn In ObjName.file …… Next ' Fn.FileName:图片名称,包含路径 ' Fn.Belong:图片所在文件或数据库(文件用"|"分开) ' Fn.Exists:是否有效。0为失效 1 为有效 -1为非本地路径,不能判断。 Option Explicit Class MCScanImg dim File,ScanType,Conn,Table,ColId,ColImg,FSO,Path,List,ScanText,Spath,Version dim Folders,Files,TotalSize,Images,Exists,sFiles,Start,EndT,RunTime,DbImg,TotalImg,Filter Private Sub Class_Initialize Set File = Server.Createobject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ScanType=1 Conn="" Table="" ColImg="" ColId="" Path ="/" sPath = Server.MapPath("/") List=0 ScanText="asp/htm/html" Folders=0 Files=0 TotalSize=0 Images=0 DbImg=0 Exists=0 sFiles=0 TotalImg=0 Start=Timer Endt=Timer Runtime=0 Filter="src=[^/>^/&]*)(.gif.jpg)" Version="1.00" End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate Set File=Nothing Set FSO = Nothing End Sub Public Function Scan() '开始扫描 if left(path,1)="/" then path=Spath&Replace(path,"/","\") else Path=Spath&"\"&Replace(path,"/","\") end if If ScanType=1 then Scanfile(Path) ElseIf ScanType=2 Then ScanDb() Else ScanFile(Path) ScanDb() End If EndT=timer RunTime=FormatNumber(EndT-Start)*1000 TotalSize=shb(TotalSize) TotalImg=DbImg+Images End Function Private Sub ScanDB() '扫描数据库。这里的路径难于判断,请在InsDb中更改(If AddNum=0 后) Dim Rs,RetStr,ReBel,SQL SQL="Select "&ColID&","&ColIMG&" From "&Table&" Order by "&ColID&" DESC" 'On Error Resume Next If Conn ="" OR Table="" OR ColID="" OR ColIMG = "" Then Exit Sub Else Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Rs.Open SQL,conn,3,3 While Not Rs.EOF RetStr=Rs(1) ReBel="表"&Table&"中的"&ColImg&"列(ID:"&Rs(0)&")" InsDb RetStr,ReBel,0,"" Rs.MoveNext Wend Rs.Close Set Rs=Nothing End If End Sub Private Sub ScanFile(PathStr) '扫描文件。递归 Dim f,ff,fn,fd,fdn,RealPath,fr,fc 'Response.write PathStr&"<br>" Set ff = fso.getfolder(pathstr) Set f = ff.files Set fd = ff.subfolders If f.Count >0 Then For Each fn In f Files=Files+1 TotalSize=TotalSize+fn.Size If ChkFileName(fn.Name) Then sFiles=sFiles+1 If Right(PathStr,1) <> "\" Then RealPath=PathStr&"\"&fn.Name Else RealPath=PathStr&fn.Name End If Set fr = FSO.OpenTextFile(RealPath,1) fc=fr.ReadAll 'response.write RealPath&"<br>" RegExpTest filter,fc,RealPath End If Next End If If fd.Count> 0 Then For Each fdn In fd Folders=Folders+1 dim temp if right (PathStr,1) <> "\" then temp=PathStr&"\"&fdn.Name else temp=PathStr&fdn.Name end if ScanFile(temp) Next End If End Sub Private Sub RegExpTest(Patrn, Strng,PathStr) '查找图片 Dim RegEx, Match, Matches,Chk,ReImg,RetStr,ReBel,TheFile Set RegEx = New RegExp RegEx.Pattern = Patrn RegEx.IgnoreCase = True RegEx.Global = True Set Matches = RegEx.Execute(Strng) For Each Match in Matches RetStr = Replace(Match.Value,"src=","") RetStr = Replace(RetStr,"'","") RetStr = Replace(RetStr,"""","") Chk = 0 ReBel=GetFn(PathStr) InsDb RetStr,ReBel,1,PathStr Next End Sub Private Function GetExt(FullPath) '获得文件扩展名,用于判断是否是扫描的文件类型 Dim Temp If FullPath <> "" Then Temp = Mid(FullPath,InStrRev(FullPath, "\")+1) If InStr(Temp,".")>0 Then GetExt=Mid(Temp,InStrRev(Temp, ".")+1) Else GetExt=Temp End If Else GetExt = "" End If End Function Private Function ChkFileName(Str) '检测文件是否是要扫描的文件类型 Dim ar,i,fn fn=GetExt(str) ar=Split(ScanText,"/") ChkFileName=False For i=0 To ubound(ar) If lCase(fn) =lCase(Trim(ar(i))) Then ChkFileName=True Exit Function End If Next End Function Private Function shb(n) '显示字节数 If n<1024 Then shb = n&"字节" ElseIf n>1024 and n<1024*1024 Then shb = formatnumber(n/1024,2)&"K" ElseIf n>=1024*1024 and n <1024*1024*1024 Then shb = formatnumber(n/(1024*1024),2)&"M" Else shb =formatnumber(n/(1024*1024*1024),2)&"G" End If End Function Private Sub InsDb(RetStr,ReBel,AddNum,PathStr) '分析图片是否有效,并添加到字典对象中 dim chk,ReImg,TheFile If InStr(RetStr,"http://")>0 OR Instr(RetStr,"ftp://")>0 Then ReImg=RetStr Chk=-1 Else RetStr = Replace(RetStr,"/","\") If (Left(RetStr,1) = "\" ) Then RetStr=SPath&Retstr ElseIf Left(RetStr,3) = "..\" Then dim temp temp=GetPath(PathStr) Do Until Left(RetStr,3) <> "..\" '处理相对路径 Temp=Fso.GetParentFolderName(Temp) RetStr=Mid(RetStr,4,len(RetStr)-3) Loop RetStr=Temp&"\"&RetStr Else If AddNum=0 Then if left(RetStr,1)="\" then RetStr=Path&"\"&Retstr Else RetStr=path&Retstr End If else RetStr=getpath(Pathstr)&RetStr End IF End If If FSO.FileExists(RetStr) Then Chk=1 End If ReImg=GetFn(RetStr) End If If Chk=0 Then Exists=Exists+1 End if If File.Exists(ReImg) then Set TheFile=File.Item(ReImg) If TheFile.Belong <> ReBel Then TheFile.Belong=TheFile.Belong&"|"&Rebel End If Else If (List=0 AND Chk =0) OR (List=1 And Chk=-1) Or (List=2 And Chk=1 ) Or List=3 Then Set TheFile= New FileInfo TheFile.FileName=ReImg TheFile.Belong=ReBel TheFile.Exists=Chk File.Add ReImg,TheFile Select Case ScanType Case 1 Images=Images+1 Case 2 DbImg = DbImg+1 Case Else If AddNum = 0 Then DbImg = DbImg+1 Else Images=Images+1 End If End Select End If End If End Sub Private Function GetPath(Str) '获得文件路径 'response.write str&"<br>" Dim Temp,EndB Temp=Replace(Str,"/","\") EndB=InstrRev(Temp,"\") If EndB = 0 Then GetPath=SPath Else GetPath=Left(Temp,EndB) End If 'response.write GetPath&"<BR>" End Function Private Function GetFn(Str) '获得文件的相对路径名 Dim Temp Temp=Str 'response.write temp&"<br>" Temp=Replace(Str,SPath,"") Temp=Replace(Temp,"\","/") GetFn=Temp End Function End Class Class FileInfo Dim FileName,Belong,Exists Private Sub Class_Initialize FileName="" Belong="" Exists="" End sub End Class %> 应用举例 <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <% %> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <title>无标题文档</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css.css"> </head> <body> <form name="form1" method="post" action="scan.asp"> <table width="60%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#003366"> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td height="30" colspan="2" bgcolor="#00CCFF"><div align="center">扫描图片</div></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td width="26%" height="20"><div align="right">扫描文件夹:</div></td> <td width="74%" height="20"><select name="Path" id="Path"> <option value="/">/</option> <% dim fso,f,fd,p p=server.MapPath("/") set fso=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") function showpath(str) set f=fso.getfolder(str) set fd=f.subfolders for each fds in fd Response.Write "<option value="&Replace(Replace(fds,p,""),"\","/")&">"&Replace(Replace(fds,p,""),"\","/")&"</option>" set ff=fso.getfolder(fds) set ffd=ff.subfolders if ffd.count>0 then showpath(fds) end if next end function showpath(p)%> </select></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td height="20"><div align="right">扫描类型:</div></td> <td height="20"><input type="radio" name="SType" value="0"> 所有 <input name="SType" type="radio" value="1" checked> 扫描文件 <input type="radio" name="SType" value="2"> 扫描数据库</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td height="20"><div align="right">显示类型:</div></td> <td height="20"><input name="LType" type="radio" value="0" checked> 失效 <input type="radio" name="LType" value="1"> 网络路径 <input type="radio" name="LType" value="2"> 有效 <input type="radio" name="LType" value="3"> 所有</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td height="20"><div align="right">文件类型:</div></td> <td height="20"><input name="Ext" type="checkbox" id="Ext" value="asp" checked> Asp <input name="Ext" type="checkbox" id="Ext" value="htm" checked> Htm <input name="Ext" type="checkbox" id="Ext" value="html" checked> Html <input name="Ext" type="checkbox" id="Ext" value="inc" checked> Inc</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td height="20"><div align="right">数据库:</div></td> <td height="20">表: <input name="Tab" type="text" id="Tab" size="5" class="allinput"> 图片ID列: <input name="ColID" type="text" id="ColID" size="5" class="allinput"> 图片路径列: <input name="ColImg" type="text" id="ColImg" size="5" class="allinput"> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td height="40" colspan="2"><div align="center"> <input type="submit" value=" 开始扫描 " class="allinput"> </div></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> scan.asp <!--#include file=""--> <% dim mcs,fn,fb %> <link href="css.css" rel="stylesheet"> <table width="70%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#003366"> <tr bgcolor="#AAAAFF"> <td width="30%" height="30">图片名称</td> <td width="39%" height="30">所在位置</td> <td width="31%" height="30">有效</td> </tr> <% Function GetVar(ID,Default) GetVar = Default If Request(ID) <> "" Then GetVar = Request(ID) End IF End Function Dim SType,LType,Path,Ext,Conn,Tab,ColID,ColImg SType=GetVar("SType",1) LType=GetVar("LType",3) Path=GetVar("Path","/") Ext = Trim(Replace(GetVar("Ext","htm,html,asp,inc"),", ","/")) Conn=GetVar("Conn","") Tab=GetVar("Tab","") ColID=GetVar("ColID","") ColImg=GetVar("ColImg","") Conn="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath("/db1.mdb") set mcs= new mcscanimg mcs.ScanType=SType mcs.list=LType mcs.ScanText=Ext mcs.conn=Conn mcs.Path=Path mcs.table=Tab mcs.ColID=ColID mcs.ColImg=ColImg mcs.scan() for each fn in mcs.file set fb=mcs.file(fn) %> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td valign="top"><%=fb.filename%></td> <td><%=Replace(fb.Belong,"|","<br>")%></td> <td><% if fb.Exists=1 then response.Write "有效的路径" elseif fb.exists=0 then response.Write "失效的路径" else response.Write "非本地路径" end if %></td> </tr> <% next %> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td colspan="3">共扫描文件:<%=mcs.files%>;扫描文件夹:<%=mcs.folders%>;总计大小:<%=mcs.totalsize%><br>扫描图片个数:<%=mcs.images&";数据库图片个数:"&mcs.dbimg&";图片总数:"&mcs.TotalImg%>;失效个数:<%=mcs.exists%>个<br>运行时间:<%=mcs.runtime%>毫秒</td> </tr> </table> <%set mcs=nothing%>