8. 投票系统
8.1 投票系统(mypolls.php3):
<? $status=0; if(isset($polled)&&($polled=="c-e")){ $status=1; } #echo "$status"; if(isset($poll)&&($status==0)){ setcookie("polled","c-e",time()+86400,"/");#time=24h } ?> <html> <head> <title>新版页面调查</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .tb { border="1" bordercolor="#009933" cellspacing="0" font-size: 9pt; color: #000000} .head { font-family: "宋体"; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold; color: #009933; text-decoration: none} .pt9 { font-size: 9pt} a.p9:link { font-size: 9pt; color: #000000; text-decoration: none} a.p9:visited { font-size: 9pt; color: #000000; text-decoration: none } a.p9:hover { font-size: 9pt; color: #FF0000; text-decoration: underline} a.p9:active { font-size: 9pt; color: #FF0000; text-decoration: underline } --> </style> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <div class="head">与旧版页面相比较您觉得新版页面:</div><br> <? if(!isset($submit)){ ?> <form action="myPolls.php3" method="get"> <input type="radio" name="poll_voteNr" value="1" checked > <span class="pt9">信息量更大</span> <br> <input type="radio" name="poll_voteNr" value="2" > <span class="pt9">网页更精美</span> <br> <input type="radio" name="poll_voteNr" value="3" > <span class="pt9">没什么改进</span> <br> <input type="radio" name="poll_voteNr" value="4" > <span class="pt9">其它</span> <br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="OK"> <input type="hidden" name="poll" value="vote"> <A HREF="myPolls.php3?submit=OK" class="p9">查看调查结果</A> </form> <? /* 如果想增加其它的选项可直接加上即可 */ }else{ $descArray=array(1=>"信息量更大", 2=>"网页更精美", 3=>"没什么改进", 4=>"其它" ); $poll_resultBarHeight = 9; // height in pixels of percentage bar in result table $poll_resultBarScale = 1; // scale of result bar (in multiples of 100 pixels) $poll_tableHeader="<table border=1 class="tb">"; $poll_rowHeader="<tr>"; $poll_dataHeader="<td align=center>"; $poll_dataFooter="</td>"; $poll_rowFooter="</tr>"; $poll_tableFooter="</table>"; $coutfile="data.pol"; $poll_sum=0;
// read counter-file if (file_exists( $coutfile)) { $fp = fopen( $coutfile, "rt"); while ($Line = fgets($fp, 10)) { // split lines into identifier/counter if (ereg( "([^ ]*) *([0-9]*)", $Line, $tmp)) { $curArray[(int)$tmp[1]] = (int)$tmp[2]; $poll_sum+=(int)$tmp[2]; } } // close file fclose($fp); }else{// for ($i=1;$i<=count($descArray);$i++){ $curArray[$i]=0; } } if(isset($poll)){ $curArray[$poll_voteNr]++; $poll_sum++; } echo $poll_tableHeader;
// cycle through all options编历数组 reset($curArray); while (list($K, $V) = each($curArray)) { $poll_optionText = $descArray[$K]; $poll_optionCount = $V; echo $poll_rowHeader;
if($poll_optionText != "") { echo $poll_dataHeader; echo $poll_optionText; echo $poll_dataFooter;
if($poll_sum) $poll_percent = 100 * $poll_optionCount / $poll_sum; else $poll_percent = 0; echo $poll_dataHeader;
if ($poll_percent > 0) { $poll_percentScale = (int)($poll_percent * $poll_resultBarScale); }
printf(" %.2f %% (%d)", $poll_percent, $poll_optionCount);
echo $poll_dataFooter; }
echo $poll_rowFooter; }
echo "总共投票次数:<font color=red> $poll_sum</font>"; echo $poll_tableFooter; echo "<br>"; echo "<input type="submit" name="Submit1" value="返回主页" onClick="javascript:location='http://gophp.heha.net/index.html'">"; echo " <input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="重新投票" onClick="javascript:location='http://gophp.heha.net/mypolls.php3'">"; if(isset($poll)){ // write counter file $fp = fopen($coutfile, "wt"); reset($curArray); while (list($Key, $Value) = each($curArray)) { $tmp = sprintf( "%s %dn", $Key, $Value); fwrite($fp, $tmp); } // close file fclose($fp); } } ?> </body> </html>
注释:从上面我们可以看出该投票系统的基本过程: 1、打开文件取得数据到数组$curArray(文件不存在则初始化数组$curArray) 2、编历数组,处理数据得到所需值 3、计算百分比,控制统计bar图像宽度 4、将数据保存到"data.pol"中